Earning Money through FB Pages

How Does Facebook Make Money – The answer is simple.
 by Waleed Rasheed
 Are you wondering How Does Facebook Make Money in 2012?
 Many are wondering how does Facebook make money. Why is facebook free? FB has over 750 million active users and generates $2 billion in yearly revenue. They make the majority of their money through advertising. This is how FB makes money.

 FB has ads that appear on the right border of the screen. They gather information about you from your likes and your activity on the site. This information is used to make tailor-made advertisements for you when you visit the site. FB’s click through rate, or CTR (the number of times a user clicks on an ad for every 1 million times it is seen), is much lower than other websites on the net. Only 400 users are clicking for every 1 million times a particular ad is seen. Compare that to the CTR of other web sites, which is an average of 80,000 clicks for every 1 million page views. Even though FB does not have a high click through rate, it generates enough traffic where it becomes a great platform for ads, and allows companies to have a successful advertising campaign. Even though the majority of people ignore ads, the ads being there still brings brand awareness and gets products known. See how does facebook make money on the Huffington Post!
 Another way that major web sites make money is to sell information on users. This is part of Google’s plan to make money but FB has not planned to do this. They have, however, shared this information with their partners. This information in generally anonymous and given to application makers. There is a debate that privacy is at stake but no one is forced to use it. Sharing user information is simply part of its evolution. The company is evolving well and is worth as much as 100 billion dollars.
 How Does Facebook Make Money aside from ads?
How does facebook make money besides ads? The site does not make all of its money from ads. As of quarter 1 of 2012, FB made 82% of their money in ads and 18% through other methods. They make a large portion of their money through online games. Most of these games are provided by Zynga. Games like Farmville, Empires & allies, and Mafia Wars, have millions of users. People pay real money for in-game items and money in the games. Whenever Zynga makes money like this, FB earns a percentage of the profits. A lot of visitors are drawn to the Zynga site and this is another source of money.
 Other methods Facebook uses to monetize
 There is another feature of the site that deals with virtual gifts. This is another answer to how does facebook make money. These adds are virtual gifts that users can send to each other such as gift baskets, stuffed animals, and more. Most of the gifts are free, but there are some that cost real money. In addition to this, there are cash cards offered which can be used on games, gifts, and other virtual possessions. The cash cards come in $10, $25, and $50 cards.
 Can You Make Money on Facebook? How does Facebook make money for me?
 Wondering how to make money with Facebook? Not only does FB make money, but it is possible to make money with Facebook. So how does one make money on Facebook? Social media has risen up to be an excellent opportunity for people to make money. Keep reading for some excellent tips on making money on the site.
 One method to make money with FB is to simply pay them to put your ads on there, but this is not the most efficient way. You may find that you are paying more than you are making or the initial cost may be too high. Although you will get a decent amount of exposure, it is easier and more effective to use social media to promote your own site. You can post blog posts to groups and use a viral blog platform such as the Empower Network in order to post. This gets your material out there and gives an instant link to your site which you are promoting.
 How to Make Money with Facebook. Forget how does facebook make money!
 Now that you know the answer to “how does facebook make money?”, you may be wondering more about using facebook to make money. There are a number of apps on which can assist in making you money. Zazzle is a way to make money. Zazzle allows you to design and create products on their web site, which is free, and you can sell these products on FB. They mainly deal in customized shirts and hats.
 There are a number of apps out there which can make you money, but the best way to make money with FB is to blog under the Empower Network. Here is my personal Empower Network Review. It has never been easier to use social media to get your message out there. Blogging for money is a really efficient way to earn cash when combined with social media. It is important to have a face behind the business and be social, which FB can be useful for. After checking out How Does Facebook Make Money see The Empower Network.
 This entry was posted in Empower Network
 Tags: How Does Facebook Make Money, how to make money with facebook, making money with facebook, using facebook to make money, why is facebook free